Our Hemp
Our industrial hemp (term for natural without modification) is produced in the Netherlands and is completely organic with an EU-certified quality stamp.
The hemp species is called Sativa and it does not contain T H C, which is what makes people high. In contrast, our Sativa contains a naturally occurring level of C B D, (3-5%), which has a number of positive effects on the body and the mind.
C B D is healing for muscles and tendons, and alleviates both stress and anxiety.
It also has a balancing effect on the stomach, and, unlike "the munchies", hemp tea have shown to lower craving for sweets.
When to best enjoy out hemp?
Start the day with a cup of Hectar Tea and let your body and mind find their balance before the tackling the world.
Have a cup of Hectar Tea during challenging work situations or as beverage during meetings to reduce stress levels during the day.
End your workout routine with a cup of Hectar Tea to help your body recover faster and let it heal quickly.
End the day with a cup of Hectar Tea to unwind and relax before a good night's sleep.
Tip: To get the most out of the naturally occurring and useful substances in hemp, feel free to add a splash of fat-based liquid such as milk, soy milk or coconut milk.
The fat binds the natural hemp oil, which then finds its way out from the plant.
Finally, wether you prefer your cup of hemp tea in the morning, during the day or in the evening, it will always work wonders in every stage of your day.